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Para un despacho como EJASO ETL GLOBAL, con una clara vocación internacional, comenzar a colaborar con la British Chamber ha sido el mejor de los aciertos. Nos posibilita estrechando relaciones con compañías británicas ubicadas en España y, al mismo tiempo, es una magnífica carta de presentación para todas aquellas empresas españolas que tienen intereses en Reino Unido.
Visibilidad, networking, aprendizaje, posibilidades de negocio… No hay evento que haya organizado la Britsh Chamber que nos haya resultado indiferente sino todo lo contrario
Enrique LlopisAbogado senior de EJASO ETL GLOBAL
A quick look at the list of members shows that we have had commercial dealings with about 30 of our co-members in that time. The mutual membership of the Chamber has provided us with a great platform to talk. It gives people the opportunity to know you and trust you. We have also taken the opportunity to sponsor various successful Chamber events and increase our brand visibility, as well as speaking to many decision makers in business and government. Hays has now joined the British Chamber in nearly all of the 33 countries from which we operate. The cost of annual corporate membership is a lot lower than a single advert in most media and in my opinion we get a tremendous return on investment. Apart from which, I enjoy it!
Christopher DottieManaging Director of Spain at Hays Recruiting Experts Worldwide